Akhil Satheesh

User Type : Moderator
Top four endangered species of earth.

Top four endangered species of earth.

Post By : Akhil Satheesh

Post Rank : 3500th

Category : Environment

Sub Category : Wild Life

25 Feb 2014

We are here discussing about the endangered animals of the world. These animals are on the verge of extinction. It is probably due to the human activities. We humans do many activities which harm the our wild life.

Following are the top four endangered animals of the world:

1)Amur Leopard

Amur Leopard is classified as critically endangered since 1996. There is only 10-26 Amur leopards extant in the wild in which 14-20 are adults and 5-6 are cubs. The Amur Leopard mainly lives in the region of South Eastern Russia, North east china. Amur Leopard is threatened by poaching, encroaching civilization, new roads, exploitation of forests and climate change. If densities of large and medium size of prey are low, tiger can eliminate leopards. During summer, the want of small prey species are very large, this leads a decrease in competition between both. For tigers winter conditions are less favourable.

2)North Pacific Right Whale

North Pacific Right Whale is very large and which is now extremely rare and endangered. It may have no more than 50 animals. According to the centre for Biological diversity the north pacific right whale is the most endangered whale on earth.

3)Leatherback Sea Turtle

The Leatherback Sea Turtle is also known as lute turtle, which is the largest of all living. The Leatherback Sea Turtle is the only living species in the genus of Dermochelys. These turtles are without bony shell so it can easily differentiate from other sea turtles. The life span of the leatherback sea turtle is about 30 years or more or 50 years or more. The population of these turtles are reducing in a much faster way.

4)Siberian Tigers

Siberian Tigers are also named as Amur Tiger. It is commonly seen in Russian Far east. By some reports in 2005, there were 331-393 adult and sub adult tigers were found in the region. And also there is a population of 250 individual breeding adult. It is one of world’s biggest tigers weighs over 300 kilos.


  • Your picture is of a Northern Right Whale Dolphin. Very different from a Northern Right Whale (which is endangered).
    29,Sep 2015
  • Your picture is of a Northern Right Whale Dolphin. Very different from a Northern Right Whale (which is endangered).
    29,Sep 2015