safwan riyaz

User Type : Moderator
Sleep well or maybe u got Rare genetic mutation

Sleep well or maybe u got Rare genetic mutation

Post By : safwan riyaz

Post Rank : 1938th

Category : Health & Fitness

Sub Category : Men's Health

22 Jan 2014

now all are busy with their schedule  and they loose their sleep and effects of this can be seen in their face Tired eyes and clouded thinking, among many

to function properly at school or work ,we need to have good sleep in a day to keep us refresh However, the question is, how much sleep do we really need in order for our brains to function properly?

Studies suggest that we need around 7 – 9 hours of sleep in order to lead a healthy life . , there are some people that have a genetically function that allows them to sleep 5 -6 hours and function perfectly. in this busy world ,all are getting used with less sleep
