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Texting And Relationships: Lessons From Young Lovers (For The Rest Of Us)

Texting And Relationships: Lessons From Young Lovers (For The Rest Of Us)

Post By : akhila

Post Rank : 1409th

Category : Entertainment

Sub Category : Lover's Corner

27 Jan 2014

If you are young and in a relation, this is an important information you need to have while you are in the verge of a break up. Trying to solve things up by  texting just blows this up and making you lose your loved one.
Instead try to solve directly face to face this helps to keep a proper eye contact.

But for boosting love and making feel special and all texting is found as the best way. Love qoutes are said to be very effect among the opposite sex.

Always try to appologize even though its not your mistake. because ego plays a huge role in each and every fight that takes place.

Make them feel your presence and express them your love max through texts.

Anyway some time ''old ways'' are good to make things well
